I love swirls, I've discovered as I've been painting, and all I wanted to see was a dark background with these swirls of color. I thought as I painted about how there is always something beautiful (in this case the colors) when darkness is surrounding you. It was a rare philosophical moment in my life. (Like I said, I was in a mood! ha!) Then later, I decided to give a counter balance to this one and make another one with the darkness being amidst all the light. Sort of a some days you're in a good mood, some days you're not kind of thing. And, yes, I guess you can compare that to the whole Eastern philosophy of the yin/yang thing, but I don't go in for that. I like my version better.
Anywho, I'm sort of in the same type of mood today as I was when I painted that first dark picture. So I thought it was a great time to bring them both out into the vast openness that is the internet and share them with anyone who happens across them. Enjoy!~